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Lucky Horse Rescue

Lucky Horse Farm & Rescue is a a 501c3 non-profit organization located in Hasting, Florida. We are dedicated to providing rescue and rehabilitation in a safe haven for unwanted, at-risk, or neglected horses.

Lucky Horse Horse Rescue Inc., began when I received a call saying that two severely emaciated geldings were standing on a septic mound trying to get out of the waste water surrounding them. They had no hay or feed and had infections on their legs from the failed septic field they were huddled in. We immediately went to the site and got the horses in a trailer and back to our farm. They were immediately seen by a vet and put on a special feeding program but it took many many months to get them back to full weight. The idea of a rescue grew from that experience and Lucky Horse was formed. Since then we have taken in horses and a mule from animal control and from private parties who can no longer care for their horses.

Most of our horses are old and crippled and unwanted since they are not useful anymore. With us they have a loving home to live out the rest of their lives.

We feed Purina feed and quality hay and always have lots of green grass. The horses get regular farrier and vet visits which includes worming...vaccinations and teeth floating.

Our horses are indeed Lucky to retire at our rescue !


MAIN CONTACT: Lauren Zawawi

 (904) 501-5190

8300 Morrison Rd, Hastings, FL 32145, USA

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